Download CV

This curriculum is written and maintained with a simple Excel + Python + HTML/CSS  combination, more information below.

How does it work?

.xlsx file Holds information and translations in a schematic and easily accessible way
python code Reads informations, prepares the HTML, renders the HTML/CSS file and optionally export it to PDF
CSS Gives life to the curriculm with custom styles


Maintaining my curriculum has always been frustrating and, honestly, a bit boring. I tried several ways of doing it. At the beginning, it was a Word document, but then adding new entries usually messed up the format, and translation was not an option at all. Moving to LaTeX helped a lot with formatting and translating by using custom functions, but still maintaining was not really user-friendly. Now I am really happy with this solution until I get bored again 😅

Can I use it?

Yes, just contact me! The project is not publicly available yet even though I would like to publish it on Github. I want to refine it and add some documentation but I need to find the wonder and the time to do that. Your interest may be the push I need!